Top 10 Drum Brands

Listed below are the Top 10 Drum Brands by order of popularity online.  This ranking has been determined solely by number of searches in Google which is an objective measurement of brand strength amongst the public.

In order to eliminated confusion such as the word Pearl which can be a drum brand or type of Jewel, the word “drums” was added after the short or popular version of the brand name to ensure closer measurement of the actual drum brand popularity.  The only time the word drum was not added is when the primary focus of the company was something other than acoustic or electric drums such as Vic Firth which primarily makes sticks or Gibraltar which mainly produces hardware.

  1. DW Drums (Drum Workshop)
  2. Pearl Drums
  3. Vic Firth Company
  4. TAMA Drums
  5. Gretsch Drums
  6. Ludwig Drums (Ludwig-Musser)
  7. Yamaha Drums
  8. Mapex Drums
  9. Sonor Drums
  10. Pacific Drums and Percussion (pdp)

Be sure to check out the Full Drum Brands List